The New York Times continues its coverage of heat waves around the world.
In "Failing to Heed Threat of Heat," Damien Cave and Somini Sengupta write that there is a "dangerous cultural lag" as heat rises. Referring to recent heat-related deaths in Saudi Arabia and India, the authors argue that event organizers have not adapted to increasing risks posed by changing climate patterns.
In "Their Practical Methods to Fight Effects of Heat," Somini Sengupta identfies a number of innovations that may help adapt to increasing temperatures, including a cellphone app, Extrema Global, created by the National Observatory in Athens that provides information about how and where you can stay cool. Another innovation is a micro-insurance program created by the Self-Employed Women's Association of India, which provides benefits to participating members so that they do not have to work on days of extreme heat. Sengupta also describes the revision of state rules to protect farmworkers from high temperatures in Washington State.