Bylaws for the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM)
This document presents the Bylaws of the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM), which is affiliated with the Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) at the University of California, Berkeley. This is a living document, which can be changed. The processes of changing the bylaws are outlined in this document.
Scope of the Center
CCRM has a mission to promote research and effective practice associated with the prevention of and response to catastrophic risks. These risks derive from both man-made and natural hazards and impact a wide range of policy, institutional and societal domains. The Center is inherently interdisciplinary and seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines who are concerned about the causes and consequences of major risks, crises and disasters and their prevention and management. The Center seeks to create a forum for the exchange of ideas and information, to facilitate the development of productive research agendas and to engage with both practitioners of risk management and with the public.
Center Structure
CCRM reports directly to the IGS Director(s). CCRM’s financial reporting structure and management are housed within IGS.
Center Leadership and Staff
The CCRM Faculty Director is appointed by the Director(s) of IGS. The Faculty Director will be a ladder-ranked faculty member of the University of California, Berkeley and will be appointed for a three-year term, with the possibility of renewal for a second three-year term. The Faculty Director is responsible for the strategic leadership of the Center and seeks to promote its intellectual vibrancy, operational effectiveness, and financial security.
The CCRM Advisory Board is appointed by the Faculty Director and its role is to provide guidance and support to the Faculty Director. The Board will be composed of at least 5 members, with at least 3 of them formally affiliated with the University. The Board will meet as needed but will convene at least quarterly. A chairperson will be designated who will be responsible for organizing and conducting the meetings. Board members will be appointed for a renewable period of one year. The Faculty Director and the Associate Faculty Director will serve as ex officio members of the Advisory Board.
The CCRM Associate Faculty Director is a ladder-ranked faculty member of the University of California, Berkeley appointed by the Faculty Director after consultation with the Advisory Board. The Associate Director will support the Director in leading and managing CCRM and will assume the duties of Director when the Director is unavailable.
Other staff positions may be created and filled as needed and as possible to manage events, conduct research and engage in outreach with practitioners and the public. These positions will be created with the approval of the Faculty Director and Advisory Board and will be governed by regular university policies and procedures.
Financial Management
CCRM’s revenues will derive from various sources (grants, gifts, training or consulting fees, etc.) and will be governed by University policies. If possible, grants administered by the Center are expected to contribute financially or in-kind to core operations and indirect costs incurred by the Center or IGS. The Center will systematically account for revenues and expenditures and report on them biannually to the Advisory Board.
Process for changes to the By-Laws
A change of the by-laws can be made through the mutual consent of the Faculty Director and the Advisory Board.