Faculty Director: Chris Ansell
Chris Ansell is Professsor of Political Science in the Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science at UC Berkeley. He specializes in the study of public organizations and is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. He is the author or editor of over ten books, including The Protective State (2019), Pragmatism and Political Crisis Management (2019, with Martin Bartenberger), Rethinking Theories of Governance (2023), and Robust Governance in Turbulent Times (2024, with Eva Sorensen, Jacob Torfing and Jarle Trondal).
Associate Faculty Director: Ann Keller
Ann C. Keller is an Associate Professor of Health Politics and Policy at UC Berkeley whose research projects focus on exploring the nature and use of scientific and technical expertise in public decision making. Her book, Science in Environmental Policy: The Politics of Objective Advice (MIT Press, 2009) won the 2011 Don K. Price Award from the American Political Science Association for the best book in Science and Technology Politics. Keller's recent work has investigated public sector responses to CRISPR/Cas-9 and automated vehicle innovations and she is currently studying public tolerance for scientific uncertainty and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.