Extreme Heat in Workplaces

May 26, 2024

In "Dangers Grow as Workplaces Become Hotter," the New York Times points out that "Heat kills more people each year than hurricanes, floods and tornadoes combined, according to the National Weather Service."   

The article argues that policy is misaligned with the rising threat.   As an example, they observe that "In October 2022, after a record-breaking, triple-digit heat dome formed over California, Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to declare a major disaster, which would have  unlocked federal assistance."   But "[t]he agency denied the request, responding that 'precdedent is to evaluate discrete events and impacts, not seasonal or general atmosopheric conditions."

The article also  notes that an extreme heat event in combination with extensive electrical blackout would be particularly dangerous.